Comma Club Vision
By creating the Comma Club Community, I hope to enable, educate and inspire everyday people to own within the communities where they live and take back the reigns of control over the neighborhoods where they reside. Though the real estate markets have historically been reserved for the wealthy, I intend to create a platform of education and access so that all of us can share in the wealth of this nation as owners of this great land. This is collaborative investing, communal growth. As we build high, let's be intentional that we build together.
'Creating Commas and Communities'
For me this is more of a mandate than a mantra. I must possess the land. I must do well with it and cause it to prosper - for the benefit of those I have been given to protect and the generations that will come after me. I see the tenants and families under my care as extensions of my household. I have accepted the problems in my neighborhood as my responsibility. I’ve been given the charge to restore my community and as I reveal Christ-centered investment principles I aim to teach other like-minded investors to do the same.